
Controlled Document Manager 

​Your organisation will reduce risk and improve the quality of outcomes when employes can easily find, read and act on approved policies, standards and work instructions.

The Circle T Controlled Document Manager ensures key documents are kept current, compliant and readily accessible.  Managers can request employees acknowledge and can define and execute tests to measure adherence.  The organisation can easily demonstrate compliance with business, legislative and regulatory requirements.  The solution is built in a modular approach, so you can start simple and extend quickly to a complete solution.

Product key features

Clear display with powerful search
- Searchable catalogue of documents including refiners and tabs
- Display of documents in reading panel alongside context inforamation
- Base governance controls around ownership and currency of documents

Controlled creation, drafting and management
- Documents move through defined lifecycle phases including reviews and approvals
- Review activities are automatically triggered to ensure documents remain accurate and compliant
- Additional access permissions are allocated as different stakeholders become involved in reviews
- Individuals and groups can be notified of key document updates and asked to acknowledge 

Auditable controls and compliance
- Define and execute audit tests to measure whether policies and standards are being adhered to
- Analytics to improve governance and report against compliance to business, legislative and regulatory requirements and prepare for ISO or other audit activities 


The Informational Pack is a detailed PowerPoint deck which is usually utilised for Circle T to present.  You can review for free but please reach out for more information through the Information Pack
View on Microsoft the Controlled Document Manager within the M365 app source here 


Circle T Policy Manager homepage2
Circle T Policy Manager search2